Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The HEART of a Home

I believe in every home, there will always be one person that the home revolves around. That person would be like the "soul" of the family, the one person that people go home to.

In my family, it would be my auntie. My auntie who never married, who dedicated her life to looking after my brother and me, and managing the household for my parents. She is my mom's elder sis and her work is so much more important than just going to the office and doing paperwork. Her work is intrinsically precious. It involves infusing the home with love and togetherness.

My brother and I have since moved out after marriage, forming our own families. But what we are, my auntie contributed greatly. She taught us the basics of caring, and nourishing the family. She showed us the grace in which to manage the household efficiently, and she gave us the benchmark for us to work towards in our own small family. When we go home, something is always not right when my auntie is not around. The home feels empty and neglected. You feel her absence with a distinct pang.

The food my auntie places on our tables, we taste our childhood, we taste our joy and her love. The simple things she buys for us, shows us her love and concern. She knows our likes and dislikes, and she caters as much as she can to us. She keeps us together when we fight and squabble, and reminds us of what is important. She constantly admonishes us to drop our pride, and understand the real value of family. She is the glue that keeps us together. My auntie is priceless...

We take her for granted, and we always assume that she will always be around for us. But time never stops, and before we know it, she would have gone to heaven. The soul of my family would be gone, and it would fall on me and my brother to carry on the tradition of keeping the family together with love. You can't trade family for anything. Family is what you are born with, and will stay with you throughout your entire life. They will be there for you when you need it, and will always be there to support you and give you courage to move forward in your life.

I can only hope that I have my auntie's grace, and that I am the soul of my young family. I sincerely hope that my daily care and love gives my husband and daughters joy. May my food nourish their bodies as well as their souls. My children will grow up, leave home and form their own families. I pray that they will always come home to me, no matter what...